TLC Charter School
Enrichment Programs
We Embrace Our Students Curiosity
At TLC, Learners TK-6th Explore Their Academics through STEAM, Music, Technology, Art and Dance. We have an interest-based learning environment where all students matter and each student is challenged and supported.
Ways We Enrich Our Students
All students have opportunities to develop their own unique interests and passions!

Arts-Based Learning
Each week, all students at TLC participate in music, art, and dance classes as well as integrated arts experiences in the classroom day to day. Arts-based learning encourages students’ creativity and critical thinking skills, and expands understanding of communication and collaboration.
Exploration Through STEAM
STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. STEAM engages students through exploration, igniting their imagination and creativity through the arts and engineering concepts. Here at TLC, we promote STEAM Clubs after school, and integrate STEAM styles of learning in classrooms.

Innovative Use of Technology
TLC has a 1:1 access to technology for students in all grade level classes. We integrate technology daily into our classrooms, enriching student learning and providing additional support for students. Each student has individualized learning opportunities while developing essential “tech literacy” skills for the future.
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
– Albert Einstein
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Benefits of Teaching Art
Our goal is to shape and strengthen students in their academics through exploration in the Arts and STEAM.
- Teaching the Arts and STEAM helps develop 21st Century Skills through critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.
- Teaching the Arts in classrooms also gives students an outlet to be expressive and helps students build focusing skills.
- The Arts in classrooms also helps with SEL development, helps reduce stress, and learn constructive criticism.
- Teaching the Arts also benefits our diverse learners, by building their confidence, developing their communication and literacy skills.
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.”
– Georgia O’Keeffe
Naturally, we make all students feel welcome and special, regardless of academic level! With our bilingual staff, we make communication and collaboration with families a breeze!