Inclusion in Remote Learning: It Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All
Coffee with the Principal Recap
Coffee with the Principal Recap
Last week we had our monthly coffee with the principal, here are a few things we discussed:
-We are confirmed to teach 6th grade next year
-Location: We completed Prop 39, the Orange Unified School District process to get access to a new facility for next year so we will keep you posted on that progress.
-Principals advisory group will resume next month
-We have an LCAP-local control and accountability plan-compliance related document
(Can find on the website)
-We have some exciting press this month with the Walton Foundation, a group who opened the grant line to find innovative schools.
-We used the majority of the funds we received for the paraprofessional staff, the play equipment and the instructional co-teaching needs
Café con la Principal
La semana pasada tuvimos nuestra reunión mensual con la Principal, aquí están algunas de las cosas de las que se hablo.
– Se confirmo que el siguiente año escolar se impartirá 6to grado.
-Lugar: Se completó la proposición 39. Estamos en proceso de adquirir nuevas instalaciones a través del distrito de Orange. Estaremos compartiendo más información a medida que vayamos teniendo noticias.
– El Grupo de Asesoría de la Principal resumirá sesiones a partir del próximo mes
– tenemos un plan LCAP de control y monitoreo local el cual puede ser accesado en el sitio web de la escuela.
– Tenemos noticias emocionantes que compartir junto con la asociación Walton que apoya a las escuelas innovadoras como la nuestra
– La mayoría de los recursos fueron destinados al entrenamiento y soporte de nuestros paraprofesionales asi como para el equipo de juegos, y las necesidades de nuestro equipo de instrucción
Donations to TLC matched dollar for dollar on Giving Tuesday!

This Giving Tuesday, we are writing to ask you to consider donating to TLC Public Charter School. This amazing school was founded in 2018 because there’s a significant gap in educational options that are inclusive to students with disabilities.
Every day, TLC students, parents and educators demonstrate that inclusion is possible and preferable for kids with disabilities, kids who do not have disabilities, kids who are gifted, kids who are English language learners, kids from a range of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds and kids with diverse life experiences of all kinds. Don’t just take our word for it – watch this video and see for yourself.
This Tuesday, the Walton Family Foundation will match every single donation up to $25,000. This means when you donate $50, the school will receive $100.
Please consider donating here!
2020-21 School Year Information Session on Dec. 4th @ 2:30p

Please join us to find out more about TLC! We will share information about our academic program, educational approach and philosophy, school-wide enrichments, and day-to-day life at our school. Dr. Tunney will provide an overview for all, and will also be available to answer any questions that you have. We look forward to welcoming you!
Message from our Parent Association

First off, we would like to say thank you to all of the families who attended our first TLCCA meeting and Parent Workshop of the year. Dr. Tunney offered many ways to be involved, including volunteering during the school day, joining our handy club and more! You will have another opportunity to sign up at Back to School night next Wednesday on September 18th at 6pm.
Our TLCCA (TLC Community Association) President Haydee Lares offered opportunities in participating with Fundraising, event committees and more as well and she will also be there at Back to School night.
To be conducive to our inclusivity, the meeting was conducted in English and Spanish. Some families were asking about resources and ways to talk to their own children about making friends and the diversity at TLC so we have compiled a few references. Here is a few things to keep in mind:
- Don’t define the child by his or her impairment. He is not spastic, he has spastic Cerebral Palsy. She is not a disabled child, she is a child with a disability.
- Don’t identify the child by the impairment or disability, unless it is relevant. Example: “The individual using the wheelchair…” is only deemed appropriate when the use of the wheelchair is relevant to the conversation.
- Don’t use slang to label a person. He is not a “cripple,” “retarded,” “disabled,” “impaired,” “spastic,” or “special ed.” He is simply a child with special needs.
- Keep abreast of and use updated terminology. Example: She is not “wheelchair-bound,” “physically-handicapped,” “differently-abled,” or “physically challenged.” Instead, “She uses a wheelchair,” “she has a disability,” and “she has a physical impairment.”
- Eliminate negative tone as it is hurtful. For example, he is not “special ed,” he participates in the special education program.
- Eliminate disrespectful slang and words that imply victimization. For example, he is not a victim, unfortunate, crippled, sufferer, stricken, or invalid. He simply has impairment.
- Become familiar with the level of impairment. Example:
- A person with total hearing loss is considered a person who is without hearing.
- A person with partial hearing loss is referred to as a person with hearing impairment.
- A person with total sight loss is not referred to as “a blind person,” but as “a person who is blind.”
- A person with a varying degree of sight — a person who can see but is not considered legally blind, for example — is a person with vision impairment.
- A person who displays trouble speaking, uses voice prosthesis, or appears to stutter is “a person with speech impairment.”
*Note: There are many of lines of thought on this matter and there is no “right way” to speak, however these general guides can be useful and we encourage you to get to know families who may have more individual insight.
Books about Inclusion :
Full Article:
- No definir a un niño por su condición (ejemplo) No es paralitico, tiene parálisis cerebral. No es un discapacitado, es un niño que tiene una discapacidad.
- No identificar al niño por su condición al menos que se relevante, por ejemplo: “ El individuo en silla de ruedas “solo es apropiado cuando el uso de la silla de ruedas sea relevante para la conversación
- No usar palabras despectivas como “lisiado” “retrasado” “discapacitado” etc …..Es solo un niño con necesidades especiales.
- Usar la terminología correcta por ejemplo “Usa una silla de Ruedas” “Tiene una discapacidad”
- Eliminar el tono negativo no es un niño “special ed” simplemente es un niño que participa en un programa de educación especial.
- Eliminar el uso de palabras que conllevan a la victimización tales cómo “está enfermo” “padece de…” “sufre de” etc Es simplemente una persona con una condición, no tiene una enfermedad.
- Familiarizarse con el nivel de la condición del individuo Ejemplos:
- Una persona con pérdida auditiva total es considerada una persona que no puede escuchar
- Una persona que tiene una pérdida auditiva parcial, se le considera una persona con un impedimento auditivo
- Una persona que tiene pérdida total de la visión no es “un ciego” es una persona que no puede ver
- En resumen no definir a una persona por su condición, se debe validar que esa persona primero que nada es un individuo. Y ese individuo tiene alguna condición.
Artículo Completo:
We would like to thank our community for coming to our First Annual Spring Jam Festival/Fundraiser. Our community, families and staff are everything. We are so proud of the performances and classroom showcases by the students as well. We cannot wait for our next one!! Happy Spring Break everyone!
TLCCA Meeting Friday September 6 @ 9am

This is our first meeting of the year and if you are looking for ways to get involved in our community, we invite you to join us on Friday, September 6 at 9am (8:30 for workshop) in the multipurpose room. We will have campus volunteer opportunities to sign up for
Taller para los Padres de familia y Junta de la Asociación de la Comunidad de TLC
Tendremos nuestra primer junta del año, si estás interesado en conocer maneras de ayudar te invitamos a acompañarnos el Viernes 6 de Septiembre a las 9am en el salón multipropositos(cafetería). Tendremos oportunidades de ser voluntarios dentro de nuestra escuela.
Upcoming School Tours

Please join us for a campus visit to learn about TLC and tour our school. We welcome you!
- Wednesday, February 13, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
- Tuesday, February 26, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
If you would like to join us, please RSVP to Miss Leslie ([email protected])
TLC’s 1st Annual Turkey Trot/Walk/Roll & Friendsgiving Feast!

Our 1st Annual TLC Turkey “Trot/Walk/Roll” was an all-inclusive activity for all our students and it sure was fun! TLC families also worked together to collect and donate food and supplies for our local food bank. After our Trot, Walk, & Roll, our students gathered together with families and friends to eat together and watch a school video about what our students were grateful for in their lives. We at TLC are grateful for a wonderful community!
Tanaka Farms Field Trip 2018

TLC students enjoyed their first field trip to Tanaka Farms on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Thanks to all the parents and staff who made this trip a memorable one!